As a sign that the French sport industry is beginning to take Merchandising seriously, L’Équipe, France’s leading sports daily, asked several merchandising experts to analyse the brand diversification strategy of PSG (see article).
Bruno Schwobthaler, CEO of Licensing for Growth, was invited to intervene. He outlined that the strategy followed by PSG replicates the successful approach of the Entertainment studios. It starts with the right mindset and the willingness to reach the broadest possible range of audiences… well beyond hard core fans.
Different targets are identified and a broad portfolio of assets is gathered allowing the creation of specific storytelling to meet the needs of those various targets. This approach has been keeping Mickey at the top of the merchandising league even after 90 years! At Licensing for Growth we have developed our own methodology to create and manage merchandising programs based on 4 pillars: detailed target segmentation, rich portfolio of assets, use of relevant data and creation of specific storytelling.